"DYSFUNCTION could mean a lot of things... things which we wouldn't want to mention here for fear of alienating or embarrassing those who suffer from it... but we aren't talking about clinical Dysfunction here... this is about The Band...
We're just a bunch of guys with varied musical tastes who found out that the other had unused instruments at home( Carlo's)... So out of sheer necessity and lack of other things to do, we decided to name ourselves......
DYSFUNCTION......Dysfunction because of the fact that at first we never really knew what we were about. Dysfunction because one way or the other one or two of our original members would find ways not to be there when needed.....
The band was officially formed after the two original members, ourselves( CARLO the bassist and TONYO (Anthony),the frontman decided that they needed to get serious and decided to invite the current lead guitarist to play with them.....
Dominic, who had a sabbatical from playing after his former bandmate ( Butch Gamos- Urban Traffic) decided that married life is far more interesting, proved to be the key to the image of this band......"
Check their page here and vote for them here.